Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cake Decorating Attempt #2: Farm o' Fudge

My second attempt at cake decorating was rather less inspired than the first. I found instructions online for how to make a buttercream sheep, and so of course dropped everything and designed my entire cake around them. The sheep actually ended up a bit lame (literally - their legs kept breaking) - but the cake itself was fan-friggin-tastically delicious.

I call the decorating attempt: "Duck Pond & Barnyard After a Rain #1"

The strange orange contraptions on the side were supposed to be corn husks.

Alright! This one is behind me. Another attempt tomorrow - horray!

1 comment:

Lis said...

hehehee! I think it turned out adorable! Although the sheep's legs kept breaking and the pig appeared to be melting? lol I could still recognize them and think you did a fantastic job! I'm curious though.. which recipe did you use for the cake? It looks divine! Looking forward to you next one! :D