Friday, May 26, 2006

A Week Without Wheat #2: Bakingsheet’s Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

My mother is allergic to just about everything, except vegetables, fruits, and meat. None of these are good for baking. As a girl who bakes almost as frequently as she sleeps, this breaks my heart. I arrive home for Christmas or visits, and can’t share any of my wonderful baking with her.

So when I saw on Nic’s Bakingsheet the recipe for flourless peanut butter cookies, my baking-neurons perked up. Smelling potential, I scanned the ingredient list:
1 cup smooth peanut butter – that’s out, but I could use cashew butter
3/4 cup brown sugar – she’s not allergic to sugar yet
1 large egg – egg is the only dairy she can eat
1/2 tsp vanilla extract – fine, as long as it’s “natural” and not “artificial”
1/2 tsp baking soda – good, good
1 cup chocolate chips – fine if they’re dark chocolate, not milk chocolate
And . . . that’s it! Victory! A cookie my mother can eat! I grabbed my coat and was out the door to fetch some cashew butter before the recipe was finished printing.

I whipped up a batch of these flourless almond-butter cookies for her for Mother’s Day. A cookie my mother can eat – it’s as much a gift to me as to her. Thank you for the recipe, Nic!

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